Sunday, October 7, 2007

Busy Night For Lissa-Hubby Must Have Been Working Late At The Emerald Maraboon Tavern & Motor Inn

Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 15:38:28 +1000 (EST)
From: "Nikkohlina"
Subject: Just This
You know, people are sick. I get this note in my mailbox that says this:
"Hey Nicole, R U servicing policemen now too? You R a busy (call) girl ! Can you fit me in somewhere?"

Nice, isn't it? I'm not a call girl, XXXX. I hope you know that.
I just needed to vent. Max is going to go NUTS.

I will email tomorrow. I am going to have a glass of wine right NOW.
Love Nik

Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 19:55:28 +1000 (EST)
From: "Nikkohlina"
Subject: Oh Oh
I'm in trouble with Max.I was upset and drank too much. Now I am not exactly sober and I feel sick from wine. That note is right. I'm just a tramp. You can't change people can you? I'm going to bed now before I throw up.

Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 20:00:44 +1000 (EST)
From: "Nikkohlina"
Sorry I am a disapointment. I can't stop crying. Max says I shoud go to bed.

Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 20:14:12 +1000 (EST)
From: "Max"
Subject: Nikki
Hello XXXX
I know Nikki just emailed you. I have carried her up to bed. She has had too much wine.She started drinking at 3:30 apparently, and has had a whole bottle.And she rarely drinks more than a glass or two.
My apologies for her emailing in case it caused worry. She is ok.Just a bit upset from a note she got today.

Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 06:32:20 +1000 (EST)
From: "Nikkohlina"
Subject: Good Morning
Dearest XXXX
I am so ashamed of myself--emailing you when I had had far too much to drink. I am ashamed that I HAD too much to drink. I don't do things like that--honestly.
The note was not an email. It was a note in my mailbox at my gate. Hand delivered. Claire got one too--stating that I was after her husband. SO in the end I had to explain a few things about my past after all.She had rung me to ask me what all of it was about. How this person (and I suspect one of my ex's friends) knew that Tony was a police officer is beyond me--maybe he has seen him on the job or something.Maybe he saw us at dinner or at the yacht club or something, having lunch. I don't know. Maybe he is watching my house--who knows? My past is never ever going to leave me alone. At least Claire understood and is fine with things. At least I HOPE she is, and that I will hear from her again. I wasn't exactly sober when she rang. BUT I wasn't as bad as I was later. She rang after only about three small glasses of wine.
Well I am going to go have a shower. I feel ill this morning--never had a hangover before in my life. I think that is what this must be, even though I vomited a ton last night.
I am sorry if I worried you or made you ashamed of my behaviour. It won't happen again, I promise.
I will email later.

Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 09:45:49 +1000 (EST)
From: "Max"
Subject: Re: Nikki
Hello XXXX
I am at work now so have a chance to reply to this. I don't think these people will ever leave her alone. They like to remind her of things they did with her long long ago. I hope none of you take that into consideration and have judgement, because she did what she had to do in order to survive. I know it all still gives her nightmares. Being tied up and gagged and all of that would leave deep emotional wounds that really will never heal.
Safe? Well, I don't know to be honest. I just do the best I can to keep her close and as safe as humanly possible. I think she is reasonably safe, yes. But nothing is for certain in this life. Security at the house is good, as long as she doesn't get lax about it. It will work if it is all engaged.
I am going to knock off work early today and go home to her.

Reckon the children were left once again to fend for themselves-Lissa couldn't be bothered with homework and or preparing dinner-SHAME ON HER


Anonymous said...

Gee Lissa must have been REALLY bored that! Having to look after a husband and two kids not to mention the housework must not have been enough! Lissa you truly are a great nurturer!


Winner Takes It ALL said...

Do tell Lissa what is it like to have your dirty little secret out there for the world to see? Are people avoiding you (more than before LOL)? Are you getting a taste of the hell you put Magpie and myself through? You did this to yourself and your family-all that you send into the lives of others comes back into your own!! You are a psychopath

Anonymous said...

She would have no idea of emotional hurt, it just would'nt registar with her. She is an abnormally clinical person who cannot relate to anyone. If you can imagine a 'Flat Liner' Line that would be the way that her mind works,there would be no bumps in the line as she would have no emotional feeling what so ever.


Anonymous said...

is she reading this?

Anonymous said...

We would have no idea if she is or not. I would say somewhere along the line she has done though. But she would be on to her next victims by now.


Anonymous said...

i wonder if she has ever commented on the blog too, as to find out how much you know about somethin in particular....

Winner Takes It ALL said...

Don't know. I do know that people who know her have......And she doesn't have a clue who it is...hahahahahahahahahahaha