I am a horrible person, I think we've both decided that one.
I HONESTLY started to do all this to make you feel better, and you were, and that was making me happy. Believe it or not, I just wanted to see my friend happy.
It got so so out of hand that I had to try and end it, and god help me that made it a million times worse.
I know you hate me and I know you will never speak to me again, but I am so so sorry from the bottom of my heart.
I will send you money via paypal towards your medical bills just as soon as I get my next paycheque next week and I will continue to do so until you tell me not to.
I've told Dennis and he is really angry with me. I don't think I'll be using the computer much anymore. I'll be lucky if it even stays in the house.
I will see someone for help, I promise.
I don't know what I can say apart from I'm rotten.What kind of person does this to someone she loves probably more than her own sister? I never ever meant for it to get SO out of hand--I swear.
I promise I will give you all the money I earn towards your medical bill, but I know that can't erase what I have done.
I loved seeing you happy--it made me feel really good--for all the wrong reasons, I know. I was just trying to bring some happiness into your life because I know you weren't the happiest. I just did it in a really bad bad way.
I know I can't ask for forgiveness, but believe it or not I DO love you like a sister. I'm just completely horrible...a rotten human being that will surely rot in hell.
I can't even say I feel better I confessed to you (and I HAD to do it on the phone and not by email) because I know how much I have hurt you.
I will send you some money as soon as I get back from our week away. It won't be a nice week, that's for sure. It will be very heavy.
I just hope my kids don't find out what kind of mother they have. They don't deserve someone like me, that's for sure.
I'm sure someday I will get what I deserve, and I WILL deserve whatever I get. I know that.
I don't know what to write here anymore. I can't express in words how awful I feel, and I know you won't be able to express in words how angry and upset you are.
I am a pathetic human being. I know that for fact. I've always felt stupid, fat and useless, so I guess it was really nice for awhile to make someone else feel good about themselves. NO excuse I know, but it's fact.
You have NO CLUE...you basically ended my marriage and have put my kids through HELL. I
will never never understand WHY in the name of god you did or how the hell you kept up
with it all. I feel sorry for your family-YOU took precious time away from them..YOU NEED
SOME SERIOUS HELP...Why did you have to bring the whole GUN thing into and how were you
going to get out of it all.................the loss of hair-the smoking-and Jesus Christ
the phone calls!!!!!!! Does your husband know EVERYTHING you did-OMG you were Max Sasha
Liv Julian and last but not least Rach..oh forgot Joelle in France too.......HOLY CRAP I
believe that is criminal!!!
Lissa the Psycho Wrote:
I have told Dennis this morning and basically I'm pretty much in very deep water with him.
I WILL get some help--I told him I will get help.
Oh yes, my kids have suffered too. What the hell kind of mother am I? I feel like the scum of the earth that I am--believe me.
I hope I rot in hell. Simple as that. And I'm sure I will.
My compter usage will be monitored now, like a child, mainly using it at his work while he is there,and I deserve that...not that I plan to use it much besides for work anyway.
Like I said I pray my kids don't find out what a rotten horrible mother they have, and I hope they grow up a million times better than I am.
I've felt like walking away because I'm such a rotten parent, and never more so than right now.They'd probably be a million times better if I did--everyone would, I'm sure.
I've totally destroyed one of the very best things I had in my life--your friendship.
I know sorry doesn't cut it, but I AM---sorry beyond belief and sorrier than I have ever been for anything in my life.
the attack
the ex husband going to jail
the men
the childhood
being followed
the letter
the woman talking about her
the story of having coffee
having cancer
the pills that I told "Max" about
the fact "she" said I was her daughter and "Max" knowing
Suzanne telling her things
Marc coming on to her
OMG i could go on and on
Lissa Psycho Wrote:
YES.YES.YES It makes me sick. I'm a total wretched idiot.I know that. I've totally made my life hell now, and yours as well.I know that.Sorry isn't enough, I know.
You will never speak to me again and I SO deserve that.I've lost my sister because I was insanely stupid.
I should not be allowed to live--I know that.I am a totally worthless human being.I know that. How I was going to end it, I don't know--I would have had to fess up eventually.
Libby WAS a someone. I didn't invent her.
When she left I guess I just tried to fill the void--in a very stupid, stupid way.I know that.
I've told Dennis everything. I am going to get some help--truly I am.
I am banned from any kind of online chats with anyone ever again. My computer time will be limited to where he can watch me.
I am basically under house arrest, and I totally deserve it.
On our return home, my computer will be "relocated" to Dennis' work so I can be supervised. I totally deserve that too.
That was the end..SHE DID INVENT LIBBY even when caught she was still not telling the truth. Her children must be miserable with that as a mother. What kind of mother is she?
Yes Libby was just another fictional character, the only reason that she told me she was real was because I phoned her and there was no way she could really say otherwise...all she said was Oh but Libby was real... but why would she be when everyone else was invented in her head. A couple of days later Lissa had her phone number changed and made silent so we could not contact her. Evil Witch!
And in these emails do you notice how she has swung the conversation back to HER. It is like feel sorry for me because I have been found out and I am in trouble! YEAH RIGHT AS IF!
it is frustrating to read. she is not apologizing. she is still "acting" and it is so obvious in the way she writes, trying to come up with clevr sentences etc so cold, formal and stripped for any emotion
and my goodness what a picture! she looks half dead already.... whats up with the fist? she should give herself a knockout before someone else beats her to it lol
The fist is probably to hold all her chins up....LOL
That is the same picture she sent to me. Love how her eyes are pink underneath. Probably from rubbing them so much due to lack of sleep as she must spend many an hour staying up to write her fictional characters and figure out new ones and how to make people distraught.
That is the same picture she sent to me. Love how her eyes are pink underneath. Probably from rubbing them so much due to lack of sleep as she must spend many an hour staying up to write her fictional characters and figure out new ones and how to make people distraught.
She was probably up all night hounding her husband at work too, calling over and over. No wonder he was out till dawn drinking, I would be with that at home.
It is frustrating but that just proves her mental illness-she is not normal!!! Normal people don't do this kind of shit.
Just one key? I'm thinking more like the whole f*cking computer.
where is she now?
These psychos don't have a clue what a real apology is.
Like Lori Drew
or this idiot
Lissa's apologies are still all about HER HER HER.... poor HER.
"[APOLOGIES] are not some pious, phoney-baloney, half-hearted rendition of what you think they want to hear. Nor is it a watered-down, politically correct 'confession' that you think will buy you closure at the expense of truth... [admit] what you are doing to screw up your life. This also means admitting that you are getting payoffs for what you're doing, however sick or subtle those payoffs are. - Dr. Phil McGraw"
"Powerful and sneaky people use apologies as end runs around repentance. They betray a trust; and, when they have been found out, they say they are sorry for "mistakes in judgement"... They get by only because we have lost our sense of the difference between repentance for wrong and apologies for bungling... We should not let each other get away with it. A deep and unfair hurt is not a mere faux pas. We cannot put up with everything from everyone; some things are intolerable. When someone hurts us deeply and unfairly an apology will not do the job; it only trivializes a wrong that should not be trifled with." -- - Lewis B. Smedes, "Forgive and Forget"
Keep holding this sicko accountable!
All true. Daly is ONLY sorry she was caught.
She is also an overbearing and controlling mother, I would not be surprised if she pulled some sort of Lori Drew crap with her daughter!
if you go to the french and saunders forum www.frenchandsaunders.com under absolutely fabulous forum there used to be a member caled joannaStone who is from australia and has writing very smilar to lissa daly...... i post on the the forum sometimes and remember this member seemed creepy interested in patsy/joanna lumley
Creepy would be right. When did she stop posting? When this blog was up? Hope everyone on there stays far away....Let them know about this blog. Everyone needs to be made aware of this sick woman.
I'll go have a look.....
Sure reads like Daly.
I can't believe she would do this! Only a true psychopath can have such a reaction... complaining about how this has ruined HER life when she has "mentally raped" you! She should be convicted! What a horrible situation her family must be in, especially if they know... I doubt that is even her in the picture.
what happened with her sister....?
I'm pretty sure that is her in the photos. They were sent before she began her game. I don't think she thought any of this would come out or that I would use them and expose her insanity.
She has a sister (in Canada) and doesn't like her, bet her sister knows what a creep she is and keeps her distance (smart lady)!!
She is such a petite little thing. A real Twinkle Toes.....
I wonder if the colour of her eyes are a glaring red?
"They assume that their own perceptions are the same as everyone else's. They assume that their own lack of feeling is the same for everyone else. And make no mistake about it: you can NOT hurt their feelings because they don't have any! They will pretend to have feelings if it suits their purposes or gets them what they want. They will verbalize remorse, but their actions will contradict their words. They know that "remorse" is important, and "apologies" are useful, and they will give them freely, though generally in words that amount to blaming the victim for needing to be apologized to."
I see, so is this caused by something that happened in their life or would she have been like this at birth?
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