Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 20:53:19 +1100 (EST)
From: "Nikkohlina" nikkohlina@yahoo.com.au
Subject: Nothing
To: XXXXX@yahoo.com
Dearest XXXXX
I earlier had a big huge fight with Olivia over the telephone. I got the "we're all concerned about your smoking" etc. Of course she said it in a nice way but I told her to mind her business (also in a nice way of course). She told me not to get so defensive and it escalated until we were both angry and in tears.
Bottom Line? I told her not to bother coming to see me. Really,I am really really really sick of everyone talking of me behind my back. I know you are one of the "concerned" ones as well.
When I talked to you on the phone the other day, you acted like you knew nothing of things. You did this to my "face".
God, I don't know what to do anymore. You can all just talk amongst yourselves to your hearts content, ok? Just leave me out of it.
I don't know who I can trust anymore. Analysing and discussing my habits and behaviours...lots there to discuss I am sure because I am an idiot.
And don't worry--Olivia didn't give your secret away. I said "XXXXX isn't worried so why should you be?" and she yelled "Of COURSE she is worried!" Then, I knew.
I didn't watch the opening of the men's final in the tennis because I didn't want to hear her sing. But, despite our argument, I am sure she did a fantastic job. I wouldn't expect the "Nikki is really mad" email from her tonight, cherie, she will have a late night at the party after the tennis.
I honestly don't care that the two of you email each other--in fact I think it is nice, but perhaps you can talk of something other than me. Seems we have been down this road before. I am tired and I am going to go to bed now.
Psychopath... I wonder if she ever "felt" like these people she were making up/pretending to be; how else could she could up with all this sick drama?!?!?
Oh sure, she made you soooooo happy. How the hell do you figure that one??
what is magpie talking about????????? im not follwing.....
I think Magpie means in her sick demented mind she actually believed I was happy (as she wrote in her BUSTED email)....Magpie am I right?
Yep, I remember when I rang her and confronted her about this whole situation and she said to me that she had made WTIA 'SOOOOOOO HAPPY'. She acted like everything was okay, like what she had done was okay, she had'nt put anyone through any emotional trauma too much.....
She is displaying typical Narcissistic behavior. No EMPATHY. She needs some serious help.
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